The Business of Becoming An Author Book

The Business of Becoming An Author

The Rev Roadmap Author Start-up Kit

Even If You Don’t Like to Write

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The Business of Becoming An Author

Get Your FREE Copy of The Business of Becoming An Author Within Less Than 7 Days

INSIDE YOUR FREE BOOK You will learn how to become a published author!

Future author! You’re reading this so it’s time to ask… should You write a book?

More importantly, why be an author? Selling books is usually the least important reason. You want to build more business for your current company, create new professions and opportunities, or be an influencer in your current field? This is the key!

In these pages you’ll go step by step through everything you need to do from start to finish – even for beginners… even if you don’t have a clear idea what your book is about yet and even if you don’t think you’re a good writer or don’t like to write – this book makes it easy and straightforward! You’ll also get the secrets to get it done in 90 days!

The Business of Becoming An Author

Author Tracy Lee Thomas & Greg Moody Ph.D.

Don’t be A Target, Don’t Be. A Victim, Train Hard & Stay Safe

This is QUICK & EASY Book To READ!