Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Lives

Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Lives

The First Step On A Journey Into Martial Arts Starts Today

Tracy L Thomas – Postive Change with Martial Arts

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Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Lives

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INSIDE YOUR FREE BOOK You will learn how martial arts can change your life for the better.

Tracy Lee Thomas is a Master Instructor and multi-School Owner at Changing Lives Martial Arts.
For Tracy Lee Thomas his Dream Career started at age 17 when he opened his first Martial Arts business in Racine, Wisconsin. Years later in 1991 after coming home from the Gulf War – known by the code names Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Tracy opened a small chain of martial art schools in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Today, Tracy is passionately involved with his companies such as Changing Lives Martial Arts, Rev Marketing, Go2 Karate®, and Go2 Firearm Safety. All of these offering products and services that positively impact this world.

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Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Lives

Author Tracy Lee Thomas

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